Large Hairy Armadillo

Large Hairy Armadillo Large Hairy Armadillo Chaetophractus villosus  For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Omnivore- plants, insects and small vertebrates such as frogs, toads, lizards, birds and rodents Where do I live? South America- They are found in regions of Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina and Eastern Chile. My […]

Yellow Mongoose

Yellow Mongoose Yellow Mongoose Cynictis penicillate For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Insects, but will prey on a variety of animals, including rodents, birds, spiders and scorpions. Where do I live? Southern Africa, including Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. My Habitat Grassland, scrub and savannah Fun Fact […]

Raccoon Dog

Raccoon Dog  Raccoon Dog  Nyctereutes procyonoides ussuriensis For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Varied diet including insects, small mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, mollusks, carrion, as well as fruits, nuts, and berries. Where do I live? East Asia My Habitat Woodland and forests close to water. Fun […]

African Civet 

African Civet  African Civet  Macropus rufogriseus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Varied diet including carrion, rodents, birds, eggs, reptiles, frogs, crabs, insects, fruits, and other vegetation. Where do I live? Sub-Saharan Africa My Habitat Woodland and savannah Fun Fact African civets are the last surviving member […]

Cotton-Top Tamarin 

Cotton- Top Tamarin  Cotton- Top Tamarin  Saguinus Oedipus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Fruit, seeds, gums and small animals such as insects, mice and birds Where do I live? North-west Colombia My Habitat Tropical dry forests Fun Fact They are one of the most endangered primates […]

Red Necked Wallaby 

Red Necked Wallaby  Red Necked Wallaby  Macropus rufogriseus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Grasses and plants Where do I live? Australia My Habitat Eucalyptus forest and open scrubland Fun Fact Red-necked wallabies are marsupials Fun Fact These wallabies are solitary, but not territorial. This means that […]


Meerkats Meerkats Suricata suricatta For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Insects, plants, spiders, snails, rodents, birds, eggs, lizards, and scorpions Where do I live? South Africa, Southern Botswana, Namibia, Angola My Habitat Grassland, desert and semi-desert Fun Fact Meerkats are members of the mongoose family live in […]

Cape Porcupine 

Cape Porcupine  Cape Porcupine  Hystrix africaeaustralis For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Fruits, roots, bulbs and bark sometimes carrion and bones Where do I live? Central and Southern Africa My Habitat Woodlands, grasslands, deserts and rocky hills. Fun Fact Cape porcupines are nocturnal and spend nights foraging […]

Ring-tailed Lemur 

Two ring-tailed lemurs

Ring-tailed Lemur  Ring-tailed Lemur  Lemur catta For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Fruit, leaves and flowers, sometimes insects Where do I live? South and Southwest Madagascar My Habitat Tropical dry and scrub forests Fun Fact Ring-tailed Lemurs use their stripy tails for ‘stink fights’ where they rub […]

Asian Short-clawed Otter 

Otters in an enclosure

Asian Short-Clawed Otter Asian Short-Clawed Otter Aonyx cinereus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit:  What do I eat? Crabs, shellfish, snails, insect, small fish and small mammals Where do I live? Asia from India and Nepal to the Philippines, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. My Habitat Freshwater rivers and swamps […]