
Ferrets Ferrets Mustela putorius furo For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Ferret pellets, meat and eggs Where do I live? Ferrets are domesticated from European polecats Fun Fact Ferrets were domesticated from European polecats (Mustela putorius) approximately 2,500 years ago to use for hunting rabbits, rodents and […]
Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Grass, leafy greens, hay and guinea pig pellet Where do I live? Guinea pigs were first domesticated in South America. Fun Fact Guinea pig’s wild ancestors are native to the Andes mountains, from Peru to […]

Rabbit Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Grass, leafy greens, hay and rabbit pellet Where do I live? Rabbits are small mammals found naturally in Europe, South Africa, Sumatra and Japan. Fun Fact There are more than 50 different breeds of rabbit. Fun Fact Rabbits have two different […]
Domestic Goat

Domestic Goat Domestic Goat Capra hircus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Browse, grass and goat pellets Where do I live? Domesticated from a wild goat species from Southwest Asia and Eastern Europe Fun Fact At the zoo we have several species of goats such as the […]

Alpaca Alpaca Macropus rufogriseus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Grasses Where do I live? Andes, South America Fun Fact Alpacas are thought to have been domesticated more than 6,000 years ago from a version of vicuña, a South American ruminants that live high in the Andes. […]
Prevost’s Squirrel

Prevost’s Squirrel Prevost’s Squirrel Callosciurus prevostii For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Seeds, nuts, fruits, eggs and insects Where do I live? South Eastern Asia My Habitat Lowland forests and gardens Fun Fact They are very chatty and make a trill when they are upset or excited […]
Rock Hyrax

Rock Hyrax Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? A variety of plants, even some poisonous to most other animals Where do I live? Africa, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and the Sinai and Arabian Peninsula My Habitat Rocky, scrub-covered areas Fun Fact Despite looking like […]

Serval Serval Leptailurus serval For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Birds, reptiles, frogs, crabs, and large insect Where do I live? Africa My Habitat Savannah Fun Fact Servals, like most cats, live on their own. Fun Fact They have long, powerful legs for jumping and have been […]
Bush Dogs

Bush Dogs Bush Dogs Speothos venaticus For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Small mammals and birds Where do I live? South America My Habitat Forest areas near water Fun Fact Bush dogs are the smallest wild pack hunting dog on the planet and live in groups of […]
Lowland Tapir

Lowland Tapir Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris For more information about the IUCN Red List visit: www.iucnredlist.org What do I eat? Fruit, leaves, buds and shoots Where do I live? South America My Habitat Lowland forest near water and swamps Fun Fact Tapir are large browsing mammals, closely related to horses and rhinoceroses. Fun Fact They […]